Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Love LEGO !

How do you think a small brick can do?

Making sweet heart-shaped stuffs for your beloved one

Take a look at these LEGO products, you can feel how magic it will be!!!!

My friend and I just found this LEGO camera for another friend as a birthday gift. What really fascinated us is its cuteness and convenience. When using it to take pictures on the street, it just like you are playing a small LEGO toy instead of using a real camera. But, it is a REAL camera. 

Lego Camera

Lego walkie-talkie

Digital Lego MP3 Player

iPod Lego Dock

These brick-built look products don't come apart. 

Lego USB
Retro Block flash drive

Lego Bricks for designing watch

              Lego Kids watch

In addition to the electronic products, have you ever thought about Lego can be so fashionable? Lego has conquered the runway at Marc by Marc Jacobs Spring 2008 fashion show.

You can also create some interesting original accessories by Lego bricks. 

small Lego purse

French fashion designer, JC de Castelbajac, has designed his Lego New Era Caps. 

Hip-hop staple -- New Era Caps
Lego Necklace

Maybe some of you just think the image of Lego as childish. Who would have thought that Lego bricks can also build fashion accessories? I do love the interesting concept of using Lego to create not only electronic device but also fashion stuffs. 

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